

8 months - 12 months

Growth and transition are key elements in the Sunshines class where children engage in stimulating activities to encourage  exploration of  the world around them. Nurturing teachers guide older infants through sensory discoveries, gross motor development, social interaction, and cognitive development.  Children are encouraged to listen to books and participate in music and movement classes to stimulate brain development and strengthen core muscle groups. Daily record keeping is an integral part of the Sunshines program.



  • Balls are rolled to and from students

  • Soft structures for infants to crawl over

  • Age appropriate toys are used to encourage the beginning stages of sorting

  • Noisy objects and musical toys are integrated into daily play

  • Secure infant buggies are used to take infants on walks in the fresh air

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  • Infants begin to social engage with one another through side by side play

  • Students transition to a secure strapped seat at a table

  • Tasting new foods and textures

  • Crawling, standing and walking are encouraged

  • Walk behind toys are used to develop stronger core muscles and encourage walking