Busy bees
2 year olds
The 2-year-old class promotes independence through child centered and teacher directed activities. Emphasis is directed toward self-care milestones – self feeding, toileting and hand washing, and helping with classroom tasks . Circle time engages children in calendar, weather, counting, story-time, songs, and patterns. Age appropriate activities promote taking turns, cooperation, sharing, and expressing feelings in an appropriate manner. Daily record keeping is an integral part of the Busy Bees program.
Early literacy skills such as phonics
Pre-writing skills and teacher-assisted drawing
Self-help skills including feeding, bathroom, and dressing
Beginner math and counting
Uses language appropriate to express wants and needs
Carries on conversations with teachers and other students
Initiates play using language
Sorts objects by color, size, item
Complete simple ABAB patterns
Recognizes their written name and can locate it in several places
Sequence pictures to make a story
Engage in color, painting, beginning writing, and other activities to promote fine motor skills
Climb, jump, walk, and run during gross motor activities