

Pre-K - 4 year olds

 Pre-K children engage in Kindergarten readiness within a nurturing and caring environment that fosters curiosity, creativity and exploration through purposeful discovery and play.  Developmentally appropriate activities target key learning domains.  Children engage in activities designed to promote readiness, writing, literacy, and beginning math skills utilizing the resource Learning Without Tears.®

  • Sequencing of simple stories with pictures

  • Able to write name with correct letter formation

  • Able to draw simple pictures with correct grip

  • Engages in coloring, painting and writing activities

  • Can manipulate materials of various sizes using appropriate grip

  • Climb, jump, walk, and run during gross motor activities


  • Follow classroom routine

  • Follow two and three step instructions

  • Take care of personal belongings

  • Ability to resolve conflicts between friends in appropriate ways

  • Play independently with others

  • Recognize letters and identify sounds for them

  • Basic understanding of rhyming words